Staff PD Courses

As a team of educators, we know that the design behind CCR initiatives only gets you so far—implementation matters.

To ensure maximum impact, we've designed a series of on-demand professional learning opportunities for staff within your organizations who will be using MajorClarity, designed to promote both CCR best practices and deepen your organization's use of the platform.

MajorClarity Professional Learning FAQ
MajorClarity PD Courses - OnePager & FAQ.pdf
Staff User Guide - MajorClarity PD Courses
Prof Learning Courses Staff User Guide (3).pdf

PD Course Overviews

Prof Learning Course Overview Data-Informed Planning Master Schedule, Budget, & Staffing (1).pdf
Prof Learning Course Overview CCR Best Practices for College Hopefuls (1).pdf
Prof Learning Course Overview Using MajorClarity To Build IEP Transition Plans (2).pdf

Coming Soon!

Expanding Your District's CCR Champion Network through the Teacher Advisory Model