MajorClarity Power Users

The Power User program

Though we use a broad swath of metrics to measure the health of an implementation, we find that the best data for change management is data that is simple and easily accessed. 

To qualify as a Power User, partners must meet all three of the following measures:

Why these metrics? They're intentionally set to exceed industry averages 👉 Read more about the method behind the metrics here.

Identifying Schools that Meet The Power User Bar

MajorClarity reports make it easy to identify these stats for each of your campuses within the School Usage Report under the administrator reporting panel.

👉 🎥 Watch this 6-minute video for a step-by-step walkthrough

Awarding Power User Status

Once you’ve identified your School/District Power User status, it’s time to acknowledge your team

We’ve created resources you can customize and/or add to district and school webpages / email signatures. Download digital vector badges and certificate of recognition templates below to give it an air of ceremony. 

2024-2025 Power User School digital badge   2024-2025 Platinum Power User School digital badge

2024-2025 Power User District digital badge   2024-2025 Platinum Power User District digital badge

Provide these ready-to-print school-level certificates of recognition to your school admin and/or career development staff leading the charge on MajorClarity implementation at the site level to honor both power user and platinum power user schools in your district:

2024-2025 Power User School certificate template

2024-2025 Platinum Power User School certificate template

Celebrating Power User Success & Fostering Competition

One of the most powerful effects of the School Power User program can be to foster healthy competition among school sites by setting a quantifiable bar for success.

Some of the innovative ways our partners are leveraging the Power User program to motivate principals and school leaders include: